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  • Writer's picturePastor Don Gray

God's Two Great commandments

Good Morning,

Have you thought lately about God’s Two Great Commandments: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul and love your neighbor as you love yourself.” When I ask myself how I am doing with these two commandments I probably give myself a 5 on a scale from 1-10. I think I could be doing a lot worse but I could probably be doing a lot better. What about you? Susan and I traveled to Michigan this past weekend for a graduation and found out that a family member is not doing well at all and I thought to myself, “Gee I should have been calling this individual once in a while.” I tried to go visit while we were there, but the individual was not up to it.

A church member, a friend, a family member has become distant, when do you pick up the phone and give them a call? What is our role in these two great commandments? How far do we take them? Is it ok to be persistent when we do it out of love for God and neighbor? These are things I must continue to wrestle with and I pray that you will too. I am not sure that there is a right answer, but I am sure that the decisions we make at times will be difficult. May God be your guide as I hope you wrestle with these two commandments often.

Let us Pray: Precious God, hold me responsible for always making decisions that say, “I love you and I love my neighbor.” Knowing it may not be easy, but it is always the right thing to do. Amen!!!


Pastor Don

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